COACH : cal
DAYS: 2/3/4 per week

This is a 12 week program separated into two 6-week phases.  The initial 6 weeks focuses on bodyweight movements and the final six weeks incorporates resistance band training.  Both phases cover every muscle group, from legs to core to shoulders, back and arms.  Given the often distinct needs of adaptive athletes, some movements may not be suitable for all CAL athletes.  Engage your CAL Coach (or the CAL Coaching Team) for suggestions regarding modifications to suit particular needs. 

 Sample workouts:

 Phase One - Aerobic Warmup (10:00), Plank Hold (2:00), Quadruped Push Up (3x :30), Push Up Complex (5x :45), Chinese Plank (4x :15), Superman Hold (5x :45)

Phase Two - Aerobic Warmup (10:00), Deadlift (3x15) - Super Set - Walking Lunges (3x10m), Crossbody Iso Hold (3x :20) - Super Set - Push Up (3x12), RB Gorilla Row (3x12) - Super Set - RB Good Mornings (3x20), Alternating Gorilla Row, Front Squat (3x15), Single Arm Overhead Press (3x12), Tricep Pressdown (3x12), Standing Bicep Curl (3x12)