COACH : cal
DAYS: 3/4/5 per week

Description - This is a 12 week program separated into three 4 week phases.  The first 4 weeks focus on resistance bands, building on the foundation established in the Total Body Band Program by adding more challenging and focused movements.  The next 4 weeks focus on dumbbells, providing the first free weight resistance training in CAL's programs.  The final 4 weeks add barbells to the mix, and everything from bodyweight to dumbbells to barbells are used to hit every muscle group throughout the week.


Sample Days:

Bands - Standing Military Press (3x :30 AMRAP), Banded Push Ups, (3x :30 AMRAP), Single Arm Banded Bench Press (3x :30 AMRAP each arm), Banded Lateral Raise (3x :30 AMRAP), Banded Tricep Pull Down (3x :30 AMRAP), Banded Palof Press (3x :30 AMRAP) 

Dumbbells - DB Goblet Squat (4x10), DB Stiff Leg Deadlift (4x10), DB Rear Lunge (4x10 each leg), DB Calf Raises (4x20), Weighted Crunch (3x20), Side Plank (3x :20 each side)

Barbells - BB Front Squat (4x12), DB Split Squat (3x12 each leg), DB Romanian Deadlift (3x12), BB Hip Thrust (4x12), BB Calf Raise (4x20), V-Ups (3x12), BB Ab Rollout (3x10)