begginer body weight to bands

COACH : Arianna Benfanti
DAYS: 5 per week

Description:  Time to get moving!  This beginner program builds strength and increases range of motion with no or limited equipment.  Using only your own bodyweight until the final weeks where some lighter weights may be added, you'll work all muscle groups and complete a longer monostructural movement (like a 25 minute jog) throughout the week.  This program can be repeated indefinitely with increased intensity, set and rep ranges and distances and times, although adding additional resistance is recommended (like, e.g., progressing to CAL's Total Body Band program).  Although it's nearly all bodyweight, don't be fooled - this program will have you sweating and showing real results fast!

 Sample Week:

 Day 1 - Air Squats (5x25), Walking Lunge (4x60'), Tuck Jumps (3x15), Jump Rope (6:00)

Day 2 - Push Ups (4x15), Box Dips (4x15), Bear Crawl (4x60'), Tabata Sit Ups (6:00)

Day 3 - Light Jog/Bike (25:00)

Day 4 - Jumping Squats (5x20), Jumping Lunges (4x15 each side), Side Lunges (3x15 each side), Tabata Mountain Climbers (6:00)

Day 5 - Narrow Grip Push Ups (4x15), Handstand Hold (4:00), Alternating Bird Dogs (3x25 each side), Plank Hold (3:00)