
COACH : cal
DAYS: 4/5 per week

This program builds the body from the midsection out through a combination of core-focused movements, strength building elements and monostructural workouts. Developing a powerful core that fluidly transmits power from one end of the body to the other is essential to sports performance and safely increasing explosiveness and strength.

 Sample workouts:

Day one:

Dynamic Warmup (triggerpoint, mobility, flexibility, etc.)

CIRCUIT: Physioball Crunch (3/20x40), Broad Jumps (3x5), DB Clean to Press (3x5), DB Pushup to Ros (3x5), DB Walking Lunges (3x8), Alternating Prone Superman (3x8), Side Plank (3x:20), Single Leg Glute Bridge (3x5)

Day two:

Dynamic Warmup (triggerpoint, mobility, flexibility, etc.)

Pool Workout (800m)

Rope/Core Circuit Conditioning (10x:30 jump rope and 10x:30 Core Circuit with :20 rest)