elite complete athlete

COACH : cal
DAYS: 4/5 per week

This program specializes on not specializing. Workouts range from bodyweight circuits to track and sprint work to swimming, plyometrics and lots of dumbbell strength work. Designed to increase overall athleticism by building your engine, endurance, strength, speed, power and mobility from top to bottom.

 Sample workouts:

Day one:

Dynamic Warmup (triggerpoint, mobility, flexibility, etc.)

CIRCUIT: Physioball Crunch (4x40), Broad Jumps (4x6), DB Clean to Press (4x5), DB Pushup to Ros (4x5), DB Walking Lunges (4x8), Alternating Prone Superman (4x8), Side Plank (4x:30), Single Leg Glute Bridge (4x6)

 Day two:

Dynamic Warmup (triggerpoint, mobility, flexibility, etc.)

Pool Workout (either 1K meters or 10x50m e 1:15)

Rope/Core Circuit Conditioning (16x:30 jump rope and 16x:30 core movement with :15 rest)