elite olympic lifting

COACH : cal
DAYS: 3 per week

This program focuses on the Olympic lifts – the snatch and the clean and jerk – with plenty of supplemental movements designed to hone skill, increase strength and build explosive speed. Work to master the movements performed by Olympians and learn to generate and apply power throughout the body.

 Sample workouts:

Clean Bar Warmup (clean pulls, hang cleans, front squats, OH presses)

Power Clean @ 70%-80% 2x5, then 80%-95% 3x2

Push Jerk/Split Jerk @ 70%-80% 2x5, then 80%-95%+ 3x2

Trap Bar Deadlift @70%-80% 2x5, 80%-95% 3x2

Bench Press 5x4

Pullups 4x6

Rotational Banded Chop 3x16

Plate Crunch 3x16