elite strength emphasis

COACH : cal
DAYS: 3 per week

Time to get STRONG! With a heavy emphasis on building to heavy movements, this program builds strength throughout all major muscle groups. Each day includes a dynamic warmup, plenty of lifting and a cool down designed to keep the gains coming. 

 Sample workouts:

Dynamic Warmup (triggerpoint, mobility, flexibility, etc.)

Front Squat @ 75%-85% 2x4, then 100%+ 3x1 (set a new max)

Incline Bench Press @ 75%-85% 2x4, then 100%+ 3x1 (set a new max)

Bulgarian Split Squat 5x6 each side

Glute Ham Raise 5x3

Inverted Row 4x5

TRX Chest Fly 4x5

Side Planks 4x20 seconds

Physioball Rollout 4x20 seconds